Too busy to read this?

Too busy to read this?

By: Sandra Moniz-Prencipe, CMP, Chairperson, Board of Directors, St. Gabriel Child Care Centres

You are committed to getting whatever it takes done to make your children happy. If this means sacrificing ‘me time’, you do so without thinking twice. Parenthood changes us and our priorities. I wouldn’t change it for the world and know that you wouldn’t either. When asked if I would join the St. Gabriel Child Care Board the first thought that crossed my mind was ‘no, don’t add anything else to your life’ but after sleeping on it, I started to wonder that maybe this was my chance to influence some of the decision made at the centre that cared for my children. This could be a way to add some Board experience to my resume. This could be a way to get to know other parents from our community: the ones that we never have a chance to talk to while rushing home/getting to hockey/trying to get dinner on the table before dark.

Maybe if I could find a way to say yes, I could learn what the Board of Directors actually does, learn a skill that I am interested in but have no time to look into. If I was to join the St. Gabriel Child Care Board of Directors I could give back to an establishment that gives so much to my most prized possession – my child. We are all ‘too busy’ but when an opportunity presents itself it may be for a reason. If we stop being ‘too busy’ we can begin to see that maybe we should take the gift that is before us: The gift of giving back.  Please click here to apply: