Join Our St. Gabriel Family – In 4 Easy Steps
Making decisions about your child’s early education and care can be challenging. We want to inspire confidence in your decision, while making the process as simple as possible. When you enrol at St. Gabriel, you can rest easy knowing your child is getting the very best care and education in an exceptional environment. Here’s how you can join our community and share your child’s learning journey with us!
4. Complete an Inquiry Form to inquire about program availability.
Space will be confirmed based on availability and families may be put on a wait list. Processes may be delayed due to the uncertainty of September and therefore, we will not be completing confirmation until August at the earliest.
Please note that this registration form is for new families only.
Please Note: Changes to enrolment and/or program schedule require a written 30 day notice and are subject and limited to 2 changes per year. No refunds will be made for any absent days (ie. vacation, sick days, scheduling, conflicts) or the days the centre was unable to open/was required to close early due to circumstances beyond the control of SGCC (including but not limited to, natural disasters, emergency situations, inclement weather, denial of access to the school by the school board, and/or other health and safety concerns including Covid related requirements).
Get All The Forms You Need Here…
Registration is complete when…
- You have received an acceptance/confirmation email with our enrollment package
- All enrollment forms have been completed, signed and submitted
- You have received a link to the Parent Portal, have activated and updated the Parent Portal
- All applicable fees are rendered
Click Here For School Forms
Parent Manual – St. Gabriel
Parent Manual – St. Gregory the Great
Parent Manual – St. Clements
Parent Manual – St. Margaret Mary
Parent Manual – Little Angels Early Learning Centre