91 Fiori Drive Woodbridge, Ontario, L4L 5S4
Monday to Friday: 7:00AM - 6:00PM



Is your child care centre a non profit centre?

Yes, We are a non profit integrated child care centre that has been in operation since 1989.

Is your child care centre a nut free environment?

Yes, we are a nut free environment.

My child is a fussy eater, can we bring outside food?

No, We will make accommodations to the menu for children with allergies, however we do not accept outside food. All food served must be prepared in a public health inspected kitchen. This policy is also in place to protect children with allergies.

Do you accept children who are not toilet trained?

Yes we accept Toddlers who are not toilet trained into our Toddler program. While in this room the parents and staff will work together on toilet learning prior to the child moving on to the Preschool room. Accommodations are made for children with special needs in our preschool and B&A Programs.

If my child goes on vacation or is sick, is there a credit for these days?

There is no sick time or vacation time credit of fees for families. Should a toddler or preschool family wish to withdraw for the summer they may withdraw giving the centre 30 days notice and then register for September. The registration will then put them on the waitlist for the fall.

What time do you close?

We close at 6:00pm and there is a $1.00/minute late fee after 6:00pm.

Is the center open all year round?

Our toddler program and Preschool Program are open year round except for statutory holidays and 2 professional development days for our staff. Our Nursery School and School Age Before and After School Programs operate 10 months of the year (Following the school calender).

How do I transition my child into the child care centre?

We recognize that starting in a program may be daunting to children and parents alike.  Our caring staff will take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure a smooth transition for you and your child. We encourage you to visit as often as you can with your child prior to commencing with us. During the time you visit with us, your child will see that you are comfortable with the environment and the staff and this will support your child in their transition. During this time you and your child will come in together and learn more about the routines of the classroom, while we learn about your child and you. When your child officially starts with us we recommend that they are eased into the routines and transitions by slowly lengthening their day. The first day we suggest, if possible,  your child enjoys our program until Lunch. The second day they remain for lunch and rest time and the third day is their first full day.  This helps the child understand that their parent comes back for them.

What qualifications must teachers meet?

All classrooms must have at least one teacher that is a Registered Early Childhood Educator. Our teachers assistants have years of experience in child care and are required to take at least 6 hours of professional development above and beyond our two full days of Professional development provided by the child care.  All new assistants are required to take at least one ECE course a year.

All our staff are certified in First Aid and CPR and have up to date immunization as well as a two tier TB (tuberculosis) test and a clear vulnerable sector screen.

How do you take payments?

We take payments through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).  When you register and we confirm a space for your child you will receive a fee payment agreement and EFT forms to fill out. These will be submitted along with a void cheque.  Payment is taken on the first of each month. A full month deposit is required and a minimum of thirty days notice is required for any changes in enrolment.

Do you have emergency care?

If your child is in our program on a part time basis and you require an extra day, all you would have to do is contact the centre and we will see if we have availability. If we do, your child may join us for an extra day or days and you will be charged for the additional days.

Can I switch my child’s days?

If you wish to change your child’s days going forward you may do that if we have availability however the child must have set days. Days cannot change from week to week.

Do you accept fee assisted families?

Yes, we have a purchase of service agreement with York Region which allows our centres to take families that require fee assistance.  We also receive enhanced funding to support children with special needs.

Do you go on trips?

We enhance our programs with visitors that come in house. We also venture out during PA days and Summer Camp however a permission form would be sent home prior to the trip to receive parent permission. Our children do go on neighbourhood walks and local parks and parents grant this permission in our enrolment package.

Do you have a referral program?

Yes we do, if your refer a family to us and they are with us for three months you will receive a voucher for 100.00 to be used towards your child care.

What does it mean that you are non profit?

When you enroll your child at a non-profit Child Care Center such as St. Gabriel Child Care Centre you are committing to become a member of the corporation.  This requires attendance at our Annual General Meeting and possibly representing the membership with a seat on the Board of Directors.  The Centre requires a minimum of seven and a maximum of twelve Board Members to remain in operation.  We currently have approximately 200 families as members and if everyone does their share, we should have an abundance of volunteers.  Parent involvement is welcomed and needed to ensure the on-going successful operation of this non-profit Centre.  At the Annual General Meeting, elections will be held to elect new Board Members and officers of the Board.  In addition, the yearly financial statements will be submitted for approval.

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