91 Fiori Drive Woodbridge, Ontario, L4L 5S4
Monday to Friday: 7:00AM - 6:00PM


Ages 2.5 – 4  |  Ratio 1:8

Program offered at: St. Gabriel Child Care Centre

The nursery school program operates for children 2.5 to 4 years of age from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Attendance schedules include 2, 3, and 5 days a week. This program follows the school calendar and is not available on school holidays or PA days. The child care providers provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can explore a multitude of experiences, which encompasses indoor/outdoor gross motor play, creative, sensory, fine motor manipulatives, cognitive activities, dramatic centre, Book or Quiet Centre, interest science activities and small group experiences. We encourage children to express their feelings, expand learning by asking open ended questions and support their problem solving skills and self regulation development with guidance and modeling.  We view the child as competent and capable and base our programming on their interests and what they say and do.  Observations are then documented and used to provide provocations for further learning opportunities. The educators see themselves collaborators in learning and play. We incorporate “Handwriting without Tears” program in our activities. We encourage belonging, connections and engagement as we celebrate the child.





  • Creative and easel
  • Dramatic Play
  • Sensory
  • Book and listening
  • Fine Motor
  • Cognitive: Math and Language
  • Interest and Science
  • Block Engineering
  • Gross Motor