St. Gabriel Child Care Centre 91 Fiori Drive, Woodbridge, ON, CanadaCome and enjoy our dance and drama classes!
Come and enjoy our dance and drama classes!
The Paint Lady joins us in a fun, animated class inspiring our creativity and helping us to create masterpieces through various painting and art techniques for the perfect picture. HOW DOES LEARNING HAPPEN! - Belonging, Well-being, Engagement, Expression. Using a…
The Paint Lady joins us in a fun, animated class inspiring our creativity and helping us to create masterpieces through various painting and art techniques for the perfect picture.
The sessions begins with activities by GymGuyz that will increase sports performance and skill training. They join us designing creative, motivating, challenging, fun spaces for working out including Musical Rings, Tic Tac Toe and Agility Courses.
Ride or Scoot your way around! Be sure to wear your helmet and protective gear to ride through our weekly bicycle course. **Park & lock your bike outside at the back on the bike rack.
Calling all Lego Designers. Institute of Robotics & Intelligent Systems join us for a daily Lego challenge and Lego Robotics. Children will learn to build cool LEGO models featuring working motors and sensors developing skills in science, technology, engineering, mathematics,…
Institute of Robotics & Intelligent Systems introduces young students to robotics and teaching them to build LEGO models featuring working motors and sensors; developing their skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematic, language and literacy through a hands-on interative fun…
Everblast Dynamx joins us to provide intractive, team building gross motor fun with a variety of inflatable obstacle courses, slides, climbers, games and much more!
Ride or Scoot your way around! Be sure to wear your helmet and protective gear to ride through our weekly bicycle course. **Park & lock your bike outside at the back on the bike rack.