Being a Board Member does a Body Good

Once again, we are seeking applicants for our Board of Directors.  This dedicated group of volunteers assists in maintaining and improving the operations of St. Gabriel Child Care Centres as well as helping to plan for the future of our centres. Our board is made of up of community members and parents who volunteer their time and unique expertise to make a difference and give back to the community.

The responsibilities of our board volunteers include:

  • Regularly attending monthly board meetings that are 2-3 hours in duration and special meetings as required
  • Taking and active role in meetings by reviewing the materials and respectfully participates in consensus decision-making.
  • Willingness to commit time to participate on at least one board committee.
  • Contribute a special skill or talent to the work of the board

Aside from the community contribution that comes from volunteering, did you know that there several health benefits to being a volunteer?  The mental and physical benefits of doing good include:

  • Interacting with others who share common interests has been shown to decrease depression
  • Enjoying the sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes with volunteering increases self-confidence
  • Studies have shown that volunteer activities increase brain function keeping people both physically and mentally active
  • The sense of meaning and appreciation that comes with volunteering has been known to reduce stress levels
  • Volunteering produces “The Happiness Effect” which is that feel-good sense that comes with a release of dopamine in the brain that happens when you help others

If you’re ready to start experiencing these health benefits, then consider joining our Board of Directors.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the St. Gabriel Child Care Centres Board of Directors can complete and submit the application found on our website: